Building an Anki-Compatible AI Flashcard Generator
As a computer science student, I have to learn a lot of content to perform well in exams. Here’s the pipeline I use to learn content effectively:
1. Actually Understanding the Content
This is the most important step. The best way I’ve found to do this is by finding YouTube videos that explain topics — they are usually leagues above the quality of lectures.
2. Flashcards (Active Recall & Spaced Repetition)
This is the most effective way to remember content for exams. I use Anki.
3. Past Exam Papers
Once I understand the content and have memorized it, I do past exam papers to practice applying the knowledge.
Building a Flashcard Generator to Save Time
A big bottleneck in this process is creating flashcards. It’s a very manual process and can take a long time. To save time, I built a flashcard generator that uses AI to generate flashcards from text. It’s not perfect, but it’s a good starting point. I generate the flashcards, go through them, edit them to make them more accurate, and delete the ones that are not useful.
Tech stack: Rails, TailwindCSS, AWS S3, OpenAI GPT-4o mini for generating flashcards.
Check out the flashcard generator tool at StudyCardsAI - it’s free start.
Exporting to Anki
One requirement was easy export to Anki. I found the Anki2 gem and created a simple download in the decks controller:
def download
deck = Deck.find(params[:id])
name =
filename = "#{name}.apkg"
output_path = "#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{filename}"
anki =, output_path:)
deck.flashcards.each do |flashcard|
question = flashcard.question
answer = flashcard.answer
anki.add_card(question, answer)
send_file output_path, type: "application/apkg", filename:
This approach has greatly streamlined my study process, and I hope it might help others too!